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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The seller is obliged to handle all information as confidential and is only used to finalize purchases. If the purchase is made through a payment portal, i.e. credit card service, the conditions set by the credit card company apply. The personal information handed to credit card companies are never handed to the seller.

The seller will never hand out information regarding transactions to third parties, except when required to do so by law, i.e. to the tax authorities.


Cookies are small text files that websites add to your computer, phone, or smart devices when you visit said website. Cookies are strictly used improve the interface and user’s experience. Cookies are also used to save important information from your previous visits. Cookies are safe, don’t include any code and cannot be used to access your device.

Purposes of cookies

We use cookies to measure to monitor visits to our site. That means that the time and date of visits to are site are registered, along with the IP numbers of the visitor’s computer and from which sites people are entering, which browser and operating system is being used and which searches visitors use to find the web and content on our site. Session cookies are deleted when the user leaves the site and are not saved long-term. Persistent cookies are saved to the user’s device and save the users preferences and actions on the site. No efforts are made to gather identifiable information.

Eliminating cookies

All browsers being used to access websites have an option to turn of cookies. Moreover, it is possible to delete cookies that have already been saved. It’s right to mention that it differs, depending on the browser being used, how the deletion of cookies is performed.